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Yamaha FM Synthesis Manual page 3


the FM model: With only two pure sine waves a new complex waveform
is obtained which consist of many newly formed sinusoidal vibrations,
caused by the modulation principle (see fgure below from the
The importance of this is further underlined by the fact that every
conceivable sound is made up of a plurality of sinusoidal vibrations,
with corresponding frequency, amplitude and phase. The sinusoidal
vibration with the lowest frequency is the frst harmonic or
fundamental. The higher frequencies are called overtones or
harmonics. One such pair of operators with sinusoidal waveforms, the
carrier and the modulator is in the electronic and computer music
language is called simple FM.
the frequency ratio between carrier and modulator: determines
which overtones can be obtained.
In musical terms: the pitch interval between the modulator and carrier
controls which harmonics or overtones can be formed.
In a way we may compare the c : m ratio in FM synthesis with the
type of oscillator waveform in subtractive synthesis
the amount of frequency modulation determines the amount and
strength of the overtones
FM Synthesis I, global and simple, © Ernst Bonis 1985/1993/2013

