Recipe Information; Off-Screen Orders - Epson MicroTouch IC-215P-AA2 User Manual

For trueorder kds
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3.4. Recipe Information

Pressing and holding on a particular item brings up the recipe information for that item in a modal window.
Pressing the OK button on the recipe window dismisses it and returns focus to the active order window.
Figure 3.4.1: Recipe Window sample

3.5. Off-screen Orders

The left and right arrows in the top control bar can be used to scroll through order pages. The main order
table follows a pagination system, so scrolling right will shift all orders on screen. For instance, if the layout is
7x3 tiles, all 21 tiles will be shifted off-screen, and the next 21 tiles displayed.
Epson TrueOrder KDS
Touchscreen User Manual
Page 8 of 11
Form: F-730-028 v1.00


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