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Flat bread

Preparation time: 80–90 minutes
1 cube of fresh yeast (42 g)
200–220 ml lukewarm water or
buttermilk or 280 g natural yoghurt
375 g strong white flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp oil
For drizzling
2–3 tbsp oil
Glass tray
Dissolve the yeast in lukewarm water,
buttermilk or yoghurt. Then add to the
flour, salt and oil and knead for 3–
4 minutes until you get a smooth
Leave the dough to prove for approx.
20 minutes, punch down and flatten or
roll out into a flat bread shape
( 30 cm). Place the bread on the
greased glass tray or on a Miele round
baking tray, brush with oil and bake
until golden.
Recommended settings
Oven function: Automatic programmes
Programme: Bread \ Flat bread \ Home
Duration: approx. 48 minutes
Alternative settings
Oven function: Fan plus
Temperature: 170–190 °C
Shelf level: 1
Duration: 30–35 minutes
Oven function: Conventional heat
Temperature: 180–200 °C
Shelf level: 1
Duration: 25–30 minutes + Pre-heating
– You can vary the flat bread by
working in 50 g fried onions, 2 tsp
rosemary or a mixture of 40 g
chopped black olives and 1 tbsp
chopped pine nuts or 1 tsp chopped
herbes de Provence after proving.
– You can also sprinkle black sesame
seeds on the flat bread before baking
– Flat bread is delicious sliced
horizontally and filled. Spread both
halves with cream cheese, top the
lower half with lettuce, sliced
tomatoes, finely sliced onion rings
and slices of cucumber and then
place the other half on top. Serve
with Tzatziki, (make by mixing
together 500 g finely grated
cucumber, 250 g natural yoghurt,
250 g soured cream, 1 finely diced
clove of garlic, 2 tbsp olive oil, salt
and pepper).


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